Interview; Corrine Jackson
Super excited to have Corrine Jackson, the author of If I lie and Touched here with us!! Here's the interview:
What gave you the idea to write If I Lie?
I wanted to explore how much one friend would be willing to sacrifice for another and the different levels of loyalty between friends and family members. Before I started writing, I’d spent a bit of time in VA hospitals visiting my uncle and honorary uncle. I was struck by how forgotten some of the patients seemed after everything they’d been through for our country. These things all kind of percolated together until the concept for IF I LIE came together.
How would you describe Quinn?
One of the best friends you could ask for. She’s smart, empathetic, funny, and imperfect. She makes mistakes, but she does the best she can in an imperfect situation. And she’s a different person at the end of the novel. Everything that happens to her changes her, and I love watching her journey.
Are any of the characters based on people you know?
Most of my characters are constructed from bits of me or people I know. I like to give my characters small ticks that are unique to them and those are usually borrowed (ie. stolen). I keep lists of these character traits and when a character forms in my mind, they become an amalgamation of things on that list. George, a lovable Vietnam vet in If I Lie, reminds me a lot of one of my uncles. I hear his laugh whenever George is being bad.
What sort of research did you have to do for If I Lie?
I had to do a lot of military research since I did not grow up in a military town. I read up on towns stationed near military bases. I interviewed Marines, read a lot of nonfiction books, and did a ton of online research. I also watched a lot of YouTube videos, documentaries, and spent time on the Library of Congress’ Veterans History Project site. I wanted the battalion my character was in to be a real battalion and the place he was fighting in to be a real place. It was important to me to get it right and to treat this topic with respect. I hope I did it justice.
What is your favourite book?
Oh, I don’t have a single favorite book. It entirely depends on my mood. When I’m down, I love romance. Sad? I like comedies. Exhausted from work? Moby Dick. (Ha! That last one was a lie. Seriously, does ANYONE like that book?) And sometimes a paranormal hits the spot. Has someone created a book mood ring? No? I’m going to patent that idea. DON’T. TELL. ANYONE.
Which book are you currently reading?
John Green’s Looking for Alaska. Somehow I haven’t read this book. I’m only on page 21, but so far so good.
Is there anything you could reveal to us about your yet to be published book, Touched 2?
Remy is going to meet her grandfather and a community of Healers. She’s going to discover more about her kind, and then (dun, dun, dun) all hell breaks loose. Her actions put everyone at risk, and things get very dark. I will add that Gabe, Asher’s brother, has a larger role in this book, too.
Is there any advice you could give to aspiring writers?
Persevere and work hard. Some people think my path has been easy. They forget about all the work I put into the years leading up to my book deals. I’ve studied craft, even taking classes at community colleges between degrees (I have a master’s in English and a MFA in Creative Writing) so that I could keep writing and learning. I’ve workshopped my stories and took the feedback to heart, always striving to be better and to push myself. This isn’t a hobby for me, and I always try to treat my writing with respect. Schedule time to write and stick to it. Don’t just write when you’re inspired. Authors don’t really have that luxury, and you’ll be surprised at what you can do when the pressure is on.
Favourite animal?
Real animal? Dogs. They’re so less pretentious than evil cats. Animal that should be real? The Multi-Bear (from Gravity Falls). I mean, come on. A bear with eight heads? I’m so there. A close second would be the Manotaur (also from Gravity Falls). Apparently, I watch too many cartoons.
Have you read Fifty Shades of Grey?
Thank you for answering our questions, is there anything else you’d like to add?
Thanks for having me! And beware the multi-bear.

What gave you the idea to write If I Lie?
I wanted to explore how much one friend would be willing to sacrifice for another and the different levels of loyalty between friends and family members. Before I started writing, I’d spent a bit of time in VA hospitals visiting my uncle and honorary uncle. I was struck by how forgotten some of the patients seemed after everything they’d been through for our country. These things all kind of percolated together until the concept for IF I LIE came together.
How would you describe Quinn?
One of the best friends you could ask for. She’s smart, empathetic, funny, and imperfect. She makes mistakes, but she does the best she can in an imperfect situation. And she’s a different person at the end of the novel. Everything that happens to her changes her, and I love watching her journey.
Are any of the characters based on people you know?
Most of my characters are constructed from bits of me or people I know. I like to give my characters small ticks that are unique to them and those are usually borrowed (ie. stolen). I keep lists of these character traits and when a character forms in my mind, they become an amalgamation of things on that list. George, a lovable Vietnam vet in If I Lie, reminds me a lot of one of my uncles. I hear his laugh whenever George is being bad.
What sort of research did you have to do for If I Lie?
I had to do a lot of military research since I did not grow up in a military town. I read up on towns stationed near military bases. I interviewed Marines, read a lot of nonfiction books, and did a ton of online research. I also watched a lot of YouTube videos, documentaries, and spent time on the Library of Congress’ Veterans History Project site. I wanted the battalion my character was in to be a real battalion and the place he was fighting in to be a real place. It was important to me to get it right and to treat this topic with respect. I hope I did it justice.
What is your favourite book?
Oh, I don’t have a single favorite book. It entirely depends on my mood. When I’m down, I love romance. Sad? I like comedies. Exhausted from work? Moby Dick. (Ha! That last one was a lie. Seriously, does ANYONE like that book?) And sometimes a paranormal hits the spot. Has someone created a book mood ring? No? I’m going to patent that idea. DON’T. TELL. ANYONE.
Which book are you currently reading?
John Green’s Looking for Alaska. Somehow I haven’t read this book. I’m only on page 21, but so far so good.
Is there anything you could reveal to us about your yet to be published book, Touched 2?
Remy is going to meet her grandfather and a community of Healers. She’s going to discover more about her kind, and then (dun, dun, dun) all hell breaks loose. Her actions put everyone at risk, and things get very dark. I will add that Gabe, Asher’s brother, has a larger role in this book, too.
Is there any advice you could give to aspiring writers?
Persevere and work hard. Some people think my path has been easy. They forget about all the work I put into the years leading up to my book deals. I’ve studied craft, even taking classes at community colleges between degrees (I have a master’s in English and a MFA in Creative Writing) so that I could keep writing and learning. I’ve workshopped my stories and took the feedback to heart, always striving to be better and to push myself. This isn’t a hobby for me, and I always try to treat my writing with respect. Schedule time to write and stick to it. Don’t just write when you’re inspired. Authors don’t really have that luxury, and you’ll be surprised at what you can do when the pressure is on.
Favourite animal?
Real animal? Dogs. They’re so less pretentious than evil cats. Animal that should be real? The Multi-Bear (from Gravity Falls). I mean, come on. A bear with eight heads? I’m so there. A close second would be the Manotaur (also from Gravity Falls). Apparently, I watch too many cartoons.
Have you read Fifty Shades of Grey?
Thank you for answering our questions, is there anything else you’d like to add?
Thanks for having me! And beware the multi-bear.