One Year On...
It's been exactly one year since I posted our first ever book review on Zone Out Mode!!! Which to be honest feels a little bit crazy, it feels like it's been so much longer! But there we go, it's been a year today since I posted a review of Finding Sky.
And since then, we've gained some beautiful and amazing readers (love you guys so much), and I've met some amazing bloggers, interviewed some of my favourite authors (still can't believe that...), we've received a blogging award, and two lovely reviewers have joined me in reviewing books.
I wanted to say a big thank you to those of you reading this and following and subscribing to Zone Out Mode, and I know this is cheesy - don't judge me, but if I could I would meet everyone who has subscribed and give them a huge hug xoxo
Oh and also I've made a new header with a new font! What do you guys think??
So anyway, sob story over :) , thank you to everyone who's entered and nominated fanfics!!! I've received some links and started to read them. There's still time left to enter them for December's Monthly Fanfic! Closing date for this month's fanfic feature will be the 30th and the chosen fanfic will be posted on the 31st. So yeah keep them coming in and don't forget, you can enter/nominate multiple fanfics!